How a Certification Authority (CA) validates an organization

The following parameters validate the Organizational Contact (note that this is the same individual who answers the verification call):

  • Organizational Contact's identity, title, and employment are confirmed through an independent source.
    If the contact is listed in government records as a corporate officer—Secretary, President, CEO, CFO, COO, CIO, CSO, Director, or equivalent—step 2 is skipped.
  • Organizational Contact's identity, title, and employment are confirmed through an independent source.
    If the contact is listed in government records as a corporate officer—Secretary, President, CEO, CFO, COO, CIO, CSO, Director, or equivalent—step 2 is skipped.
  • Organizational Contact's authority, verified through any of the following:
    • Professional opinion letter
    • Corporate resolution letter
    • Direct contact with a corporate officer via public records or the company's Human Resources (HR) department